Friday, June 1, 2007


Bet you thought I had forgotten this little project.

Not a chance. Just been dealing with life. But today is a 'must post' day.

Today is the beginning of the first SCRIPT FRENZY!! Don' t know what that is? Check out the page at '' for more information, but the basics are that almost 7,000 people in the US and abroad have signed on to write a 20,000 word screen or stage script. Will any of them ever be produced? Who knows. Who cares. The goal is to write it. That is always the first step.
Life in general has been hectic this week. I was told at the end of last week something which I am still deciding how to feel about. I suppose I should share, but I can't say I'm ready to yet. I will have to contemplate that one some more.
On the writing front, got two short stories turned out over the last two days. One is more a scene than a story, so I'll have to flesh that one out, but this is more than I've been able to do recently. I'm excited about getting back on track.
Still no word on my first entry to the Writer's of the Future contest. I was told that not getting my manuscript back within the first four weeks was a good sign, so I'm clinging to that. I also check the WotF blog daily. is the link if you want to see what I'm reading.
Well, I'm off to start my screenplay. I may paste some excerpts here later, but that will depend on my opinion of its chances for production as well as my making time to put them up. If you do want to read some of my work, please check it out at http://Writing.Com/authors/dspinella
Have a good weekend!

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